AS Watson Wins Forrester’s Enterprise Architecture Award 2022 (APAC)

AS Watson Wins Forrester’s Enterprise Architecture Award 2022 (APAC)

The world’s largest international health and beauty retailer, AS Watson Group, recently scooped up the highly prestigious Enterprise Architecture Award 2022 (APAC) at the Forrester’s Technology & Innovation APAC event.

As one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world today, Forrester’s main driver is to help different sectors to accelerate their growth in IT. As such, the award aims to recognise A.S Watson’s remarkable efforts in digital transformation.

“We’re very excited to receive this award,” said Bobby Ho, Group IT & Digital Transformation Director Asia of AS Watson Group during the presentation ceremony.

“One of the biggest challenges of accelerating digital transformation in every company is the growth itself! We want to be a role model and help build industry-wide standards.”

AS Watson Group has embarked on its digital transformation journey since 2012 and has successfully set O+O (Offline plus Online) as the new retail standard to create a more integrated and seamless shopping experience through state-of-the-art technology.

Bobby explained, “For any company this growth entails more people, division of labour and silos are naturally formed so AS Watson Group’s Enterprise Architecture Team was established with a mission to prevent such silos and integrate all the tech teams to deploy one design and build one system architecture together.”

AS Watson Group now operates over 16,300 physical and online stores under 12 retail brands in 28 markets serving over 5.3 billion customers every year. With such a large scale of business, the Enterprise Architecture Team needs to be adaptive to local variance within the global market. What has made the Team a success is its hard work and resilience, so this Award is therefore an international recognition of all these efforts.

Looking ahead, AS Watson Group’s Enterprise Architecture Team will continue to be laser- focused on using advanced technology to put a smile on our customers’ today and tomorrow.

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