Nurturing Hong Kong's Athletic Talent

Nurturing Hong Kong's Athletic Talent

AS Watson is honoured to have Felix Diu, the 100m Hong Kong sprinter representative at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, also the awardee of the AS Watson Group Hong Kong Student Sports Awards 2016 (HKSSA) and member of Watsons Athletic Club (WAC), join us to celebrate his debut performance at the Olympics and share his experiences.

During the event, Felix interacted with participants through games and shared his journey as an athlete, including the rigorous preparation leading up to the Olympic Games. His sharing was especially meaningful and inspirational.

AS Watson has been cultivating the next generation of athletic talents in Hong Kong through its signature programmes HKSSA and WAC. Our unwavering dedication to supporting young athletes will undoubtedly continue to shape the future of Hong Kong's sporting landscape.

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