Watsons Empowers Women to “DARE TO BE”

Watsons Empowers Women to “DARE TO BE”

Watsons has launched its “DARE TO BE” campaign on International Women’s Day to further its commitment to transcending stereotypes and standing with women to discover the best version of themselves. This follows on the success of the Asia-wide “The New Beautiful” campaign that inspired a heightened awareness of holistic beauty. Watsons continues to advance the cause of gender equality with its 90 million female Watsons Club members in the global community.

Malina Ngai, CEO of AS Watson (Asia & Europe) says, “Women have the strength to be the best version of themselves and to transcend societal limitations. Watsons is committed to empowering women to find their faith in themselves. We know they can DARE TO BE bigger than any barrier, bolder than any bias, and stronger than their struggles.”

Affirming the “Embrace Equity” theme of International Women’s Day, the campaign strives to support BRAVEHER, BOLDHER and STRONGHER Women in a cause of gender equality that embraces women of all walks of life.

Throughout the month, Watsons will be actively engaging the community of Watsons shoppers through a series of events, workshops, and mentoring opportunities led by key women opinion leaders who have created their own success by defining it on their own terms. Watsons Malaysia is inviting a fashion model with vitiligo (an appearance altering skin condition), a para-cyclist and a CEO from a women-focused charity to share their personal stories and health & beauty tips. In Thailand, Watsons is promoting women empowerment through its “Green Ribbon” campaign to help more women to unleash their potential.

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