Shaping a Sustainable Future

Making remarkable progress in advancing sustainability across its global operations in 28 markets, AS Watson has unveiled Sustainability Report 2023.

AS Watson Remarkable Annual Results in 2023

CK Hutchison Holdings (CKHH) has announced its 2023 annual results, revealing impressive growth in AS Watson (ASW). ASW's total revenue, EBITDA, and EBIT have demonstrated solid increases, driven by robust performances in Asia and Europe.

AS Watson Supports Gender Equity with Commitment to Women's Empowerment Principles by UN Women

As International Women's Day approaches, AS Watson, the world's largest international health and beauty retailer, proudly announces that it’s the first health and beauty retailer to be a signatory of the Women's Empowerment Principles.

Remarkable Growth

In 2023, Rossmann achieved remarkable growth in its business performance, with sales increasing by 14.4% to approximately 13.9 billion euros.

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