Top Scorers of Customer Love Score💯

Check this out to see the featured top scored of Customer Love Score in our global network!

Glamourous Beauty

Watsons Indonesia launched the Garis Poetih Raya Festival at Pondok Indah Mall 3, a spectacular three-day event featuring an impressive fashion show.

Unite in Kindness and Love

AS Watson Group's colleagues and business partners joined forces for a heartfelt initiative - Global Volunteer Day 2024.

Remarkable Milestone

Watsons Indonesia has reached the remarkable milestone of 2 million Watsons Club Members.

Embracing the Nature

Empowering customers to adopt a sustainable lifestyle, Watsons has relaunched its exclusive paper range with the upgraded products.

Spreading Kindness

Watsons Indonesia recently teamed up to pay a visit to the elderly care home in West Jakarta.

Watsons Fuels Growth by Opening Asia’s 8,000th Store

Watsons, Asia’s No.1 health and beauty brand, supercharges the growth by opening its remarkable 8,000th store in Asia today.

Radiate Confidence

Watsons Indonesia collaborated with Wardah to host a beauty event at Pondok Indah Mall.

Beauty Beyond Boundaries

Watsons Indonesia hosted the #BeautyMyWay events across various cities nationwide.

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