The Key to Radiant Skin

Marionnaud Switzerland is thrilled to announce its partnership with Shiseido for the exclusive launch of the highly esteemed skincare brand, Clé de Peau Beauté.

AS Watson Strong Half Year Results in 2023

CK Hutchison Holdings (CKHH) has announced its 2023 interim results, showcasing significant growth in AS Watson (ASW). Despite global economic challenges, ASW's revenue, EBITDA, and EBIT have demonstrated solid increases, driven by robust performances in Europe and Asia.

Innovate to Win!

InnoTeam, one of AS Watson Group’s global talent development programmes, brings together a team of young talents from various markets.

Anti-aging Expert

Marionnaud Switzerland has exclusively launched the Lubex anti-age skincare series.

Top Scorers of Customer Love Score

Check out the featured top scorers of Customer Love Score in our global store network!

Enjoy the Sunshine!

Marionnaud Switzerland is delighted to introduce an exclusive suncare brand Vanessium Suncare to all Swiss sun lovers.

Specially Made For Healthier Skin

Marionnaud Switzerland has partnered with Taiwanese beauty brand KinGirls to host an instore event, introducing the preservative-free skincare with Swiss beauty fans.

For the Beautiful Planet

Marionnaud believes that sharing beauty is more than just inspiring customers to be the best of themselves, but also caring about the beauty of our planet and creating a better future for all.

Congratulations to the Winning Store Teams!

AS Watson Group hosted 2023 Global Best Store Team Awards presentation ceremony in Hong Kong yesterday to present the best store awards to 47 winning store teams from 28 markets.

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