Real World Work Experience

Real World Work Experience

As one of the long-term supporting partners of the Netherlands-Asia Honours Summer School Programme (NAHSS), AS Watson is honoured to welcome 70 university students from the Netherlands to visit our Watsons Singapore office, to learn more about what it’s like to work in retail.

The NAHSS is an annual programme which aims to strengthen the relations between the Netherlands and Asia. Every year, around 100 students from Netherlands Universities are selected to join the programme, where they would spend 6 months to explore the relationship between Asia and the Netherlands on three pillars: Academic, Business and Cultural. This year marks the 4th anniversary of the Summer programme, Watsons is very delighted to have the students visiting Singapore.

During their visit, students actively participated in some business case challenges with topics about the future of O+O and sustainability. They developed their own solutions and presented their ideas to the management team. What a fruitful day packed with excellent new insights!

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