Celebrating PARKnSHOP as a Trusted Brand for 50 Years

PARKnSHOP has been growing with Hong Kong people for 50 years, expanding and adapting to the fast-changing needs of local customers. It’s loved by generations of Hong Kong people, who trust PARKnSHOP to provide outstanding choice, freshness and safety, value and experiences. It is now providing over 25,000 carefully selected local and international products at around 260 stores as well as eStore in Hong Kong.

The growth of PARKnSHOP reflects changes in the lives of Hong Kong people through the decades. Over the years, much has changed; however, what has remained unchanged is our unwavering commitment to help customers 'Eat Better. Live Better.'

Norman Yum, Managing Director of PARKnSHOP Hong Kong

Where It all Begins

The PARKnSHOP story began in 1972 with the opening of its very first store in South Bay, Hong Kong. It was an immediate success and expansion was rapid. As PARKnSHOP grew, it pioneered many of the features we now see as standard in local retailing.

To grow alongside the Hong Kong community it served, PARKnSHOP has had a constant focus on innovation. A range of store formats has been developed to meet the needs of different consumer segments, and technology has been integrated into the shopping experience for maximum shopper convenience.

Many of its local customers would remember the “Mrs Wong” character from our TV advertising; she first graced Hong Kong screens in the 1990s and has been a much-loved and familiar face ever since, highlighting the stringent quality standards and values of PARKnSHOP.

In 2007, PARKnSHOP launched “MoneyBack”, the largest loyalty programme in the city, offering exclusive promotions and rewards to members. “MoneyBack” now has over 3.8 million members and is now highly digitised, enabling greater-than-ever personalisation.

In the past decade, PARKnSHOP has pioneered many market-leading digital innovations, including self-checkout counters, electronic shelf labels, livestreaming, click and collect and of course the hugely popular PARKnSHOP mobile app, enabling seamless O+O (Offline plus Online) shopping across different channels, anywhere, anytime.

I grew up shopping with my parents and grandparents at PARKnSHOP, and now it’s the one-stop shop for my own young family’s needs. It’s part of the family!

Michelle Leung, a loyal customer of PARKnSHOP

More Than a Store

As the most trusted brand in Hong Kong, PARKnSHOP believes it has a role in helping its customers pursue healthier, more sustainable lives as well as supporting the community at large.

Its social purpose, “Eat Better. Live Better!” reflects PARKnSHOP’s belief that in better living can be achieved through better eating. That’s why it’s dedicated to providing improved the quality of food choices. Almost 1,700 organic or sustainable products have been offered to customers, including over 100 plant-based food and over 50 sustainable seafood.

Better living also means making our world a better place to live. To do the right thing for our customers, PARKnSHOP stopped selling rinse-off personal care products containing microplastics in 2020, and stores are increasingly selling fresh produce in loose form rather than prepacked as part of the Greener Market scheme.

PARKnSHOP has built a strong connection with the community. It rolled out Hong Kong’s first Free Food Coupon scheme for Senior Citizens, in partnership with the YWCA, enabling the elderly in targeted districts to obtain food and other essentials free of charge. There’s also a PARKnSHOP Special Offer Programme for the elderly, providing discounts on own-brand products at Hong Kong stores every Wednesday.

PARKnSHOP is proud of its City Food Drive Programme, launched in 2013 to collect public donations of food and raise funds to help the Food Angel charity prepare meal boxes for those in need. PARKnSHOP has also matched the public’s food donations and our combined efforts have led to the donation of more than 780,000 food items and HK$8 million in funding.

A Season of Celebration

To mark this landmark moment in its history, PARKnSHOP is working with Hong Kong people to curate a 50th anniversary exhibition of PARKnSHOP memorabilia. It’s urging members of the public to share old shopping bags, photos and other items that will help inspire Hong Kong’s collective memory.

As demand for online shopping continues to rise, PARKnSHOP is establishing an eCommerce logistics centre that can handle three times the current volume of online orders. It is expected to start operation by the end of this year.

Being committed to protect the planet, PARKnSHOP’s stores and in-store refrigerators having LED lights fitted to reduce power consumption. The distribution centre will be lit by LED bulbs from next year, and it also targets to reduce air pollution from its vehicles, cutting nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by 12% by 2025.

A golden anniversary is truly reason to celebrate, not just how far we’ve come but also the deep bonds that PARKnSHOP has formed with Hong Kong people. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our colleagues past and present for their amazing hard work and dedication. You are the true stars of our growth story.

Norman Yum, Managing Director of PARKnSHOP Hong Kong

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