Interview with Group Managing Director – Year of Kindness

2024 has been designated as ‘Year of Kindness’. In this interview, our Group Managing Director, Dominic Lai, sheds light on the significance of kindness within the organisation, among colleagues, and in the community.

Why has AS Watson designated 2024 to be the “Year of Kindness”?

AS Watson welcomes 2024 with open hearts and open arms, designating it as the "Year of Kindness." Kindness is central to AS Watson's values, spreading love and putting a smile on our customers’ faces today and tomorrow. "Year of Kindness" also serves as a resounding reminder of its pivotal role within our organisation, and we are committed to building a culture of kindness. It motivates and encourages our colleagues to be even kinder and more supportive, creating a ripple effect that touches not only the lives of our colleagues but also the customers and communities they serve.

How do you envision kindness shaping the workplace and interactions among colleagues at AS Watson?

At AS Watson, we believe in the power of kindness, understanding that a successful company is built on a foundation of love and kindness. Kindness is a simple act but has the power to transform the workplace into a collaborative and supportive environment. When kindness permeates our interactions, it creates a sense of belonging, fosters empathy, and strengthens teamwork. By actively encouraging acts of kindness, we can build a positive work culture where everyone feels valued and supported, in turn creating a harmonious environment where success thrives.

Beyond the organisation, how can kindness extend its reach to benefit the communities AS Watson serves?

With the purpose of putting a smile on our customers’ faces today and tomorrow, AS Watson has been showing its kindness to the community we serve since its beginning. We’ve always been committed to making a positive impact that extends far beyond our office walls.

Leveraging our large scale for good, we aim to sow seeds of kindness, nurture positive change and make a lasting difference in the lives of those around us. We believe that we cannot do it alone. Only by working together, we can make a bigger positive impact. That’s why we’ve been working with our business partners and inspiring our customers from around the world to join us in showing kindness.

This year, we’ve organised 130 volunteer activities with over 33,000 volunteer hours, helping over 284,000 beneficiaries. Give a Smile, our signature global sustainability programme, has reached a milestone of sponsoring over 6,500 children with cleft lip and cleft conditions for free corrective surgery. Through this initiative, we have not simply improved these children’s well-being but also enhanced their mental wellbeing, transforming the lives of the children and their families.

AS Watson strives to inspire a wave of kindness that permeates every corner of our operating markets. We truly believe that through these acts of kindness, we will be able to spread love and bring smiles to the world we live in.

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